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This website is the Resource Hub for the events, where you can find lecture slides, exercise materials, and further reading suggestions. This website is not officially associated with Karolinska Institutet, but is created and run by part of the organizing team: Peter Alping and Simon Steiger.

Learn Bayes

Bayesian Statistics in Medical Research.

What is this?

Learn Bayes is an event series at Karolinska Institutet, bringing together anyone interested in Bayesian methods with international experts. Join us for an exciting educational program aimed at expanding your statistical toolbox with Bayesian methods.

Who is this for?

The events are free of charge and open everyone, inside and outside of KI. The program is tailored towards users of statistics that are new to Bayesian methods, with a focus on introducing the foundations of Bayesian methods in the context of medical research. No prior experience in using Bayesian methods is required.

Upcoming Events

You can pick and choose among the events to join and there is no requirement to attend all the events in the series. However, later events will often build upon what has already been discussed. More information under each event below. The events are also published in the KI calendar.

Updates and Resources

For continuous information and updates about the events, please register to the Biostat email list (open to anyone, both inside and outside of KI) by emailing Marie Jansson at [email protected].