Choosing a prior
Understanding how prior choices influence Bayesian inference is essential yet daunting at first. Poor prior choices may indeed compromise analyses.
Containment, not clairvoyance
As Michael Betancourt explains in his blog post on Prior Modeling (sections 2 and 3), we do not have to know the precise effect of a treatment to specify a reasonable prior on its regression coefficient. It is enough to understand which effects should be considered extreme (or even outright impossible).
For example, it is not necessary to know if a treatment increases or decreases the relative risk of some adverse event occurring. Despite our lack of knowledge, we may still be convinced that anything larger than a five-fold increase or decrease would be extreme.
The variables we work with have all sorts of different scales: on some, a standard deviation of 100 is huge, while on others, it would be tiny. Setting priors is much easier if we do not have to wrangle with these units. Z-standardization simplifies this task immensely: by construction, we can now assume that–in the absence of an effect–most of the probability density lies within one standard deviaton of the mean (zero).
Priors and Frequentism
By purely summarizing the data, frequentist methods implicitly place a uniform prior on all coefficients. This is ironically one of the poorer choices in many scenarios. Should we, a priori, really believe that an infinitely large effect is equally as likely as a near-null effect? Have a look at this section if you’re interested (and never mind the formulas, the important points are made in the text, too!).