The links below lead to static versions of Pluto notebooks. Using the interactive sliders requires installing Julia (it’s well worth it! 🌝).
Statistical rethinking
These are our own attempts at coding after Richard McElreath’s examples from his video lecture.
More code examples from the book will follow in the future! Older versions of the lectures not featured here yet also available on GitHub as simple Julia scripts.
- The Golem of Prague A conceptual introduction to Bayesian statistics. No code!
- The Garden of Forking Paths Learn to simulate data and think Bayesian.
- Geocentric models Practice the Bayesian workflow by coding your first linear regression.
- Categories and Curves Work with categorical predictors and learn how to summarize results.
- Elemental Confounds Learn about the basic confounds through simulation and analysis.
Focus topics
These short, interactive, and visualisation-heavy notebooks focus on building intuition for more advanced topics.
Gaussian Processes Explore GPs and the Squared Exponential Kernel with interactive sliders.